Saturday 7 November 2009

Colour Theory Part 1

Colour Theory Part 1

Our task was to bring in 10 different objects of a certain colour, I was given the colour green. We then split into colour groups and asked to organise the colour in an appropriate order, we chose to order the colours from light to dark green.

After we had organised the various objects that our group brought in we had to select 10 objects. We had to use these 10 items to compare to the pantone swatches, also being limited to 2 swatches for this exercise. For each item we had to take note of the pantone number and the CMYK values of the colour. Some items were a lot harder to match up due to the texture of the material, like the spray trigger off the cleaning bottle because it was a reflective surface the colour seemed to change in various lights due to the reflection.

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