Monday 26 October 2009

Alphabet Soup Part 2

Using the question and my brainstorm I started to generate visuals that linked into the various things that Becky liked to do. I wanted to experiment with as many different things that I picked up from the questions that I asked Becky so that I had a wide range of ideas to experiment with.

After experimenting with a range of visuals I particularly liked the idea of having a stencil type font as this reminded me of my childhood, which I decided would be my main focal point. At this point in the project we had to pick four words that we would focus our typeface on. My four words were: Childish, orange, fashion and mobile phone.

From my progress crit I received some really useful feedback from the group that I was in, they liked the idea of the stencil. They thought the additions of the fashion items to the letter forms were a good idea but they suggested that I could try making the items blend into the letters so that the letter and the manipulated item were all the same colour.

Using the feedback from the crit I experimented with the idea which I thought turned out well. I decided to use the font Porky's instead of Chalkboard because Porky's resembled the childish fridge magnets, also chalkboard is to similar to Comic sans.

Here are a couple of pictures of my final A1 solution:

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