Friday 25 September 2009

How To...

This was the first project we had been set since we started the course. We were split into groups of 6 and told to answer a question that we were given by the randomiser, each question starting with 'How to'. My group got the question; 'How to feel at home in a new city?'

We started by writing a list of different ideas that we as a group thought would be good to explore, we wanted to make the solution to the question appealing to our target audience.

After we had generated some concepts we had to decide on an idea to use and develop into a final solution, to help us we were given a problem analysis sheet which had a set of questions on it which allowed us to push for a resolution.
This is one of the sketches I worked on that went into the final solution, from this Alice added colour using watercolours which gave the image more character and fitted in with style of our solution.
Throughout the project we all worked well together as a team, being able to bounce ideas off each other without any conflict of ideas on what should and shouldn't be included in the final solution. We each worked to our strengths within the group which resulted in us producing these two posters.

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