Friday, 23 April 2010

What is a Line

I chose the statement "A mark indicating position, connection and boundaries" and from that decided to record the routes that I ran on for 5 weeks. I found that the most efficient and accurate way of tracing my routes was from various sections of Leeds and Bedford on google maps.

Using adobe illustrator, I was able to plot the various routes that I had run over the 5 weeks that I recorded in my running diary. Below are a collection of the routes each individually and also how they would look on a map.

Routes from Leeds:

Routes from Bedford:

From gathering all the routes up I decided to experiment with different visual variations, using colour, layout and line variation. Because I had such a wide range of colours I could use, I decided to take the colours of the Olympic rings and use them. I feel that the Olympics is a major part of distance running as a sport so they would link together well.

These were some visual variations of all the routes from Bedford and Leeds using the colours in the Olympic rings. As some of the paths on some routes crossed over each other I thought that I would try having all the lines at half opacity so that the more a specific path was chosen on a route the heavy, and more opaque the colour. I got the idea from the maps they use for measuring population density on the world maps.

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