Thursday 27 May 2010

End of Module- Self Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I feel that I have gained experience in using software such as Indesign to a basic level of understanding allowing me to use it as an option for type and layout in future projects. The type and grid workshops with Lorenzo were interesting as I got to a learn valuable insight into this area of design. I had a basic understanding of the subject area but the workshops helped develop my skills and interest towards type and grid. I feel that my collaborative skills have improved, as I have found it easier to work with others on a brief, making better decisions as a group and becoming more .

What approaches/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
Throughout the course of the module I have developed various different methods of research both for communication is a virus and speaking from experience briefs. I have learnt that it is important to have varied areas of research such as quantitive and qualitative as well as collecting data information. A wider range of research allows for a better base to generate ideas and concepts. I have also found that throughout the course of the module group discussions and crits have become increasingly more beneficial, as they allow me to engage with my peers helping me push my work forwards.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I feel that over the course of the module that I have developed my concept building and idea generation skills. I think that I have become more visual in documenting how I work, through design sheets and my blog throughout the module. A lot of my projects in this module have been based on the ideas and concepts rather than the actual finished product.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
I think that my projects in this module have had stronger concepts and ideas than the final solutions from them. Again I feel that I still need to improve my time management, but I think that if I keep blogging more constantly everyday I will overcome this weakness.

Identify five things that you would do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
*I would have liked to push myself more, experimenting with a wider range of medias out of my comfort zone
*Think about how my ideas/concepts and final products will go into the surrounding environment perhaps visually displaying the products to see how they would be absorbed. Visualizing the designs in selected environments would help me gather an understanding into what purpose they serve.
*Produce more research relevant to the problem as I believe the more relevant information you have the easier it will be to generate ideas.x

How would you grade yourself in the following areas?
Attendance 5
Punctuality 5
Motivation 3
Commitment 4
Quantity of work produced 3
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group 4

InDesign Workshop

We were paired up and commenced interviewing each other to get a better understanding of that person. I just devised a simple set of questions that allowed me to get to know Becky a little bit better. From the interview I wanted to use the information gathered to put together a question and answer article. The only limitations we were given were that we had to include two images within the double page spread, the content had to be 600 words long and be within the boundaries of A3 237 x 380 (2cm bleed).

Sunday 23 May 2010

Posters for presentation

Note Pad for Presentation

The note pad and the wallet sized message card.

Flash Cards for Presentation

I printed out all five message cards each with a different message on them and on the reverse side space to write shopping.

Logo and Card Development

The idea behind the logo was to incorporate a bar code hidden within the image. I thought about using the first three letters of the three words Speaking from experience but from trying this out it soon overcrowded the image and also the audience wouldn't necessarily understand what they stand for.
As I wanted to create a range of products, I had the idea of producing something that could be given out to the first year students that could be collectable, with a message or reminder on them. With this in mind I took the average size of a credit/debit card and used it as my template for designing onto.
Just some mock up prints of the flash cards printed onto card. I will continue to play around with the layout and the colours of the flash cards also taking into account the stock that I am going to print on.

Sunday 16 May 2010

Note pad mockup

A mock up of what my notepad will look like, just giving me a rough idea of the general sizes of it. In the later stages of the development I hope to bind the sheets of paper to the back of the pad using Japanese stitching and maybe applying a cover over the thread.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Note pad development

The initial illustrations for the notepad were suggested in the crit, so that the design wasn't to plain. I based them on photographs of objects from my cupboards and fridge.

From the progress crit again I received from useful feedback and it was suggested that I should try and emulate the style of my poster pictograms. I have also decided to change the size of the notepad.

Friday 14 May 2010

Concept Boards for progress crit


Just a couple of ideas

Clarifying the problem

I was trying to clarify various aspects of the project that I needed to address in order to progress my ideas forward.
My initial idea to solve the problem of impulse buying was to create a mobile phone application, which would be available to everyone, but mainly aimed at students that were away from home and new to living away from home.

Initial Pictograms and notepad

Just some initial pictogram's for my idea of telling a short story through print, once I have a clear direction of what i want in the various scenarios they will be more to come. Above is some ideas for a bar code logo which could be included on the prints or/and any products that I decide to make.

Thursday 13 May 2010


From the letterpress workshop I took a quote that I found while researching the idea behind my concept of 'What not to spend your money on' and applied it to how people can often be persuaded to impulse buy. I tested out three different stocks tissue paper, newsprint and cartridge.

Concept Building

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Type and Grid Session 3

This is the final full size double page spread that I have chosen from my thumbnails, laid out using InDesign.